scargo commands

Use scargo -h to see a summary of all available commands and command line options.

To see all options for a particular command, append -h to the command name. ie scargo build -h.

Usage: scargo [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

C/C++ package and software development life cycle manager based on RUST
cargo idea.

--install-completion Install completion for the current shell.
--show-completion    Show completion for the current shell, to copy it or
                     customize the installation.
-h, --help           Show this message and exit.

build               Compile sources.
check               Check source code in the directory `src`.
clean               Remove directory `build`.
debug               Use gdb CLI to debug
doc                 Create project documentation
docker              Manage the docker environment for the project
fix                 Fix violations reported by the command `check`.
flash               Flash the target.
monitor             Connect and monitor the serial interface.
gen                 Manage the auto file generator
new                 Create a new project template.
publish             Upload conan pkg to repo
run                 Build and run project
setup_autocomplete  Setup scargo autocomplete for shell
test                Compile and run all tests in directory `test`.
update              Read .toml config file and generate `CMakeLists.txt`.
version             Get scargo version

Scargo commands reference

See also