Check C/C++ project with static tool analyzers: check

scargo check and fix example


scargo check [OPTIONS]


Check source code in directory src and all subdirectories and report warnings and errors. With no params scargo will perform all checks and exist on the first failing.



Run clang-format.


Run clang-tidy.


Check if there is copyright info at the top of each file. Uses description filed from [check.copyright] section from the project config file.


Run cppcheck.


Run python-lizard.


Check if there is #pragma once at the top of each header file.


Check if there is TODO in any file.


Show less output.

-B, --base-dir DIRECTORY

Specify the base project path. Allows running scargo commands from any directory.


There is a possibility to exclude directories or single files from all checkers or from particular checkers only. To exclude the dir or file from all checkers please add the relative path in the [check] section

exclude = [<my exclude path e.g src/bsp>]

To exclude dir or file from a particular checker only please add the relative path in this checker section e.g:

exclude = [<my exclude path e.g src/bsp>]