Atmel SAM support in scargo

Creating a project

scargo new --target atsam --chip <atsam...> [project_name]

When building the project for the first time scargo will fetch CMSIS and DFP packs for your chip. It’s also possible to change the chip in scargo.toml file and run scargo update command to update project accordingly.


Flashing the Atmel SAM series is currently supported by using openocd in the background. Run the scargo flash command to flash the board.

This flashing procedure might not work for all boards. If you have any problems you can open issue on github or contact Spyrosoft members via email (e.g.


If you plan on debugging make sure that your board has debugger or you are connected to the board using debugger. First build the project in Debug and then you can run scargo debug command:

scargo build --profile Debug
scargo debug