ESP32 support in scargo

Creating a project

scargo new --target esp32 --chip <esp32...> [project_name]

Generate a filesystem

All files which should be included in the filesystem must be located in the main/fs dir before the command is run.

scargo gen --fs

It will generate spiffs.bin file in the build dir

Generate a certs

Generate certs needed by azure base on dev id

scargo gen --certs <dev id as string>

It will generate certs in build/certs/fs dir. This cert should be used in two-way authentication with azure IoTHub.

Generate a single binary image

Generate the single binary image from all binary partitions.

scargo gen --bin

It will generate build/flash_image.bin file. This file can be used with a Quick Emulator (qemu).

Building a project

The project can be built using both scargo build of build commands.

Configure ESP32 project

To configure your project for chosen esp32 chipset use –chip when initializing the project. It’s also possible to change it in scargo.toml file in [esp32] section and run scargo update. Presently following chips are supported ‘esp32’, ‘esp32c2’, ‘esp32c3’, ‘esp32s2’, ‘esp32s3’.