Creating and working with x86 cpp project

scargo x86 flow

Creating x86 cpp project

To create Hello world x86 cpp project we will use scargo new command:

Open the command line and run:

scargo new --target x86 --bin hello_world hello_world_project

This will create a new dockerized x86 cpp project inside hello_world_project directory. If you want to create a native project you can add –no-docker argument.

This is how the project directory will look like:

└── hello_world_project
    ├── CMakeLists.txt
    ├── LICENSE
    ├── scargo.lock
    ├── scargo.toml
    ├── src
    │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
    │   └── hello_world.cpp
    └── tests
        ├── CMakeLists.txt
        ├── it
        │   └── CMakeLists.txt
        ├── mocks
        │   ├── CMakeLists.txt
        │   └── static_mock
        │       ├── CMakeLists.txt
        │       └── static_mock.h
        └── ut
            └── CMakeLists.txt

For scargo the most important file is scargo.toml. This is the file in which you write your project configuration. If you want to update some settings in scargo.toml make sure you run scargo update command to update the project with the newly modified configuration.

More on this can be read in scargo.toml file basis

Building the project

To build the project we can change into project directory and run scargo build command. Let’s run the build command and build our project in Release

cd hello_world_project
scargo build --profile Release

By default, scargo builds in Debug, but you can switch it by running it with –profile argument (e.g. –profile=Release). Scargo will use conan to download all necessary dependencies and build the project. After the build is finished we should see that build/Release directory was created and the build files are inside.

Running the binary

To run the binary we can simply use scargo run command:

scargo run --profile Release --skip-build

After running the command we will see Hello world! text in the terminal. If the project wasn’t built for the profile that we want to run, scargo will automatically build it first.


Scargo also supports debugging through gdb cli. We will first build our project in Debug and then we can run scargo debug command:

scargo build --profile Debug
scargo debug