STM32 support in scargo

Creating a project

scargo new --target stm32 --chip <stm32...> [project_name]

Configure STM32 project

To configure your project for chosen STM32 chipset use –chip when initializing the project. It’s also possible to change it in scargo.toml file in [stm32] section and run scargo update.

Add and use the external dependencies

Some of the external dependencies such as CMSIS or HAL are added to the project configuration by default. They will be managed by conan. Please check the stm32-cmake project to get knowledge how to use HAL and CMSIS dependencies ( To use it in your cmake libraries please add proper includes in target_link_libraries to your CMakeLists.txt file as in the following example:


Generate a certs

Generate certs needed by azure base on dev id

scargo gen --certs <dev id as string>

It will generate certs in build/certs/fs dir. This cert should be used in two-way authentication with azure IoTHub.